Garbage Disposal Smoking? Here are Some Causes and Solutions

As a homeowner, it can be highly concerning when you notice your garbage disposal smoking. Not only is this situation smelly and unattractive, but it can be a sign of a major issue with this helpful little appliance. So, whether you’re dealing with a current smoke problem or are keen to avoid one in the future, understanding the possible causes of garbage disposal smoke and knowing how to properly maintain your machine is essential. 

In this article, we will explore some of the most common causes of smoking disposals and walk you through the potential solutions. Plus, we’ll also give you some tips on preventing this issue from popping up again in the future.

Why Is My Garbage Disposal Smoking?

Before we get into the solutions, it’s important to understand why your garbage disposal might be smoking in the first place. Well, it’s usually one of three reasons: the motor is overheated, jammed, or burnt-out.

Let’s go over each of these in more detail below.

Overheated Motor

An overheated motor is the most common cause of a smoking garbage disposal. This can happen when your machine has been working too hard for an extended period, or if there’s a problem with the unit’s wiring or electrical connections, causing it to overheat.

Jammed Disposal

Another possible cause of smoke coming from your garbage disposal is a jammed unit. When something hard or tough gets caught in the blades, it can cause significant strain on the motor, leading to smoke. You may also notice a humming sound in this case.

Burnt-Out Motor

Lastly, a burnt-out motor is when your garbage disposal has reached its breaking point and needs to be replaced. This can happen due to age, general wear and tear, or neglecting proper maintenance.

Can a Garbage Disposal Catch on Fire?

When most people smell smoke, their minds immediately go to fire. But don’t worry – there is some good news in this department.

While it’s possible, it’s not likely that your garbage disposal will catch on fire. The smoking is usually just from hard food or items getting stuck in the unit, causing friction, heating up, and producing smoke. This alone won’t necessarily lead to a fire, especially right away.

However unlikely it is, though, you shouldn’t take any chances! So, if you have a smoking garbage disposal, then the best thing you can do is address the issue promptly. This can help prevent a minor issue from turning into a major problem.

How to Fix a Smoking Garbage Disposal

Now that we know the potential causes of a smoking disposal, let’s discuss how to fix the issue. We’ll address the overheated motor first, then move onto the jammed and burned-out motor scenarios.

Overheated Motor Solution

If an overheated motor is the issue, then follow the step-by-step instructions below.

Step 1:  Turn off the Power

First and foremost, make sure to turn off the power to your garbage disposal. You can do this by unplugging it from its power source or turning off the circuit breaker that supplies electricity to it (or both, to be on the safe side).

Step 2: Let it Cool Down

Once you’ve cut off the power, let your unit cool down for at least 15 minutes. This should give the motor enough time to cool down and reset itself.

Step 3: Reset Button

After it has cooled down, look for a small red button on the bottom of your disposal. This is often called the “reset” button, and is used to restart the motor after it has overheated. Press this button firmly to reset your unit.

Now, if the button pops out again, or if nothing happens at all, then your unit is likely still too hot. You may just need to give it a few more minutes before trying the reset button again.

Step 4: Turn on the Power

After resetting your disposal, turn the power back on and test it out. If there is no more smoke and the unit is running smoothly, then you have successfully resolved the issue.

Jammed Disposal Solution

Now, what if the motor is not overheated but you still see smoke? This could be a sign of something jamming your disposal, causing the motor to overwork and produce smoke.

Step 1: Turn off the Power

As with the previous solution, make sure to turn off the power to your garbage disposal. This may seem redundant, but you likely don’t want to deal with any garbage disposal-related injuries anytime soon.

Step 2: Check for Obstructions

Next, check the disposal for any obstructions. This could be anything from a piece of silverware to food scraps. If you’re not comfortable using your fingers, use tongs or pliers to carefully remove any visible objects that may be causing the jam.

Step 3: Rotate and Clear the Blades

If you don’t see any visible obstructions, then use an Allen key or even a wooden spoon to manually rotate the blades in both directions. This may help dislodge any stubborn objects stuck in the disposal.

Step 4: Turn on the Power

Once you’ve cleared any obstructions and rotated the blades, it’s time to turn the power back on and test your disposal. So, after restoring the power, run cold water through the disposal for a few minutes to flush out any remaining debris. Then, turn on the switch. 

If there is no more smoke and it’s running smoothly, then you have successfully resolved the issue.

Burnt-Out Motor Solution

If none of the above solutions work and your disposal is still producing smoke, then it’s possible that the motor has burnt out. In this case, your best option is to call a professional plumber or replace the entire disposal unit.

Tips for Preventing Future Issues

To avoid these types of problems in the future, here are some tips to keep your garbage disposal running smoothly and safely:

  • Be mindful of what you should and should not put down the disposal. For example, you should avoid putting hard items like bones or fibrous food scraps like celery stalks.
  • Run cold water before, during, and after using the disposal to help flush out any debris.
  • Regularly clean your disposal by grinding ice cubes and citrus peels to eliminate any build-up of grease or odors.
  • Have your disposal professionally inspected and maintained every few years to catch any potential problems before they become major issues.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your garbage disposal remains in good working condition for years to come.

The Bottom Line

While a smoking garbage disposal can be alarming, it’s important not to panic. With the right tools and knowledge, you can easily troubleshoot and fix the issue on your own in most cases.

So, don’t let a smoking garbage disposal ruin your day – take action and resolve the issue today!
Need to replace your garbage disposal? Check out an excellent option by Waste King here.

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